Commencement Date: April 11, 2024

The Elusios team warmly welcomes you! Below, you’ll find the terms of use for our app provided by Elusios. These terms of use apply solely to users of the mobile application. Please note that these terms are separate from the privacy policy.


By accessing or using Elusios, you accept these terms of use and our privacy policy. If you do not agree with any of our terms for any reason, you are not permitted to use the app.

License to Use

You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and limited license solely for personal use with non-commercial purposes.

User Conduct

By using the app, you agree not to harm, damage, disable, or engage in any unlawful activity associated with the app or its use. Furthermore, you also agree not to develop third-party apps that are linked to the OurHome app for unlawful or prohibited purposes.

Intellectual Property Rights

All the content, trademarks, graphics, written content, software codes, and all other components of the app are owned and licensed by Elusios. These works are protected by intellectual property laws and are reserved. By accessing or using our app, you agree that our contents and services are solely for your personal and non-commercial use.

Disclaimer of Warranty

The service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without any warranty or condition of any kind, either expressed or implied. We want to inform you that you are using our app at your own risk. We cannot, therefore, warrant that the app will be uninterrupted, secure, mistake-free, or free from other potentially damaging effects it can cause to you.

Limitation of Our Liability

When using our app, you understand and agree that any consequential or punitive damages, such as loss of data or use, are not our liability. This could result from day-to-day activity with the app, when using our shopping or tasks list. Also, this possibility could arise during the process of adding a (family) member to join your task flow or unauthorized access to your data through or from our services. Therefore, we are also not responsible for any statements or conducts of any third party in direct line to the app. Consequently, by using our app, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any damages, claims, liabilities, losses, or violation of our terms of use in relation to the app.

Governing Law

These terms of use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with any local, state, national, or international laws. If any dispute occurs about the app, you agree to first contact Elusios to try and resolve this dispute. Any legal disputes arising from the use of the app shall be exclusively settled in the European Union (General Data Protection Regulation) for European users and the United States for an American users.

Changes to these Terms of Use

It may happen that we modify or revise these terms of use at any time that suits us. To check the latest updates on these terms, always come back to this page to see any changes. By continuing to use our app, you agree to be bound to the modified and revised terms. Be assured that we will make sure you are properly warned of any changes through your email, your app notification or our website.

Privacy Policy

Last but not least, we would like to remind you of our privacy policy. Your personal information and data are important to us, and we would like to protect them as much as we can. This policy tells you how you can keep your personal information and data as protected as possible. By using or accessing our app, you agree with the mentioned policy and everything set out in this policy.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about these terms of use, please feel free to contact us at